Gezim's journey in crafting çiftelis (traditional Albanian string instruments) began in his early childhood. He inherited this skill from his father, Ndue Pershqefa, joining him to a long line of family tradition, dating back to 1895. He was drawn to the artistry of crafting musical instruments by the harmonies they produced and the fulfillment derived from the meticulous crafting of each piece. Finishing each instrument evoked an entire world of musical tones, and also carried forward the ancient tradition of the national epos (heroic legendary cycle of Albanian epics that is sung and accompanied in the çifteli). 



Gezim has transformed this inherited craft into a lifelong profession and a source of livelihood, all while dedicating himself to its continuous improvement in line with contemporary music. For the past thirty years, he has continuously produced çiftelis, shargias, tempered çiftelis, prims, and children's çiftelis, contributing significantly to the revitalization of Mirdita's artisanal traditions.

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